A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Rings?/GQ Wy-Wy

Remember earlier when Wyatt was getting his measurements taken? Well Mommy got an e-mail on the way back from the photo shoot saying that Wyatt's suit was ready to be picked up so Mommy asked Wyatt if he was up for a side trip and away we went (I think Wyatt was totally cool with being in the car more because Mommy downloaded some Fresh Beat Band for him on her I-phone so he was all about cruising and blasting their music).
We headed over to Mens Warehouse and since Wyatt was now such a modeling pro he decided to be a mini model for Mommy and show off his variety of looks. I swear this boy is headed for either Hollywood or NYC either way what a range! How cute are these?

Wyatt pretending to do his buttons on his sleeves Just a silly laid back pose like please I know I am cute but I am fun too

the come hither look:

The smart guy: My wild child (I love the look in his eyes here like ready for some trouble):

Just a casual guy hanging with his crew:

Look at that he already got a lady oh wait she is just fitting him with better pants. Oh well more to come Wyatt more to come! LOL!

My little charmer, I can't wait to see what he does at the wedding!

1 comment:

Beth Madden Burdette said...

Really great pictures! Is that Wyatt or James Bond?! He's so photogenic and destined for stardom!