A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wedding: Sam & Allison Prof. Pics

As promised earlier some of the professional pictures from Sam & Allison's wedding. You can really tell we all had a great time and Wyatt was quite the ring bearer.

Grandma and Pappy getting funky:

Great-Grandma Peggy getting down with Sammy:

The Garter toss:

Wyatt and Momma grooving:

Wyatt found a little friend at the wedding who was just about his age.

Wyatt and Pappy:

Wyatt not sure what to do. He kept saying he wanted to "kiss the princess" (Allison)- too cute!

Sam & Allison and Wyatt

Going down the aisle- what a cutie and you can tell he took his job very seriously.

Wyatt getting ready to walk down the aisle (One of Mommy's favorite pics)

Wyatt and his pillow (love this one too)

Wyatt partied a lot and sure enough almost lost his top. Sammy unbuttoned it a lot and after the garter toss the guy who caught it (nick?) threw it to Wyatt.

Here is Wyatt and the garter:

The men were pretty enthusiastic about getting that garter:

Waiting for the toss:

Wyatt and Momma dancing more:

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