A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Full Day & A Date with the Boys

Today we headed down to Downtown Disney for the House of Blues Gospel Sunday Brunch.  We did this in February and loved it so much we had to share it with the whole family. 

 Wyatt getting his praise on:
 Last time we were all in Disney Nonna really wanted to go up in the balloon and see the view all around and since we had just been blessed we thought why not give it a try. 
 So up we all went:
 Wyatt wasn't afraid at all:
 It was really neat to see all the area around Disney.  You could see all four parks from up there:
 The balloon on the water:
 And from the ground (this was acutally the ride right after us)

First we headed to the Magic Kingdom but soon we agreed to head back to Coronado Springs and go for a swim.
 Daddy and Wyatt going down the water slide:
 A big splash:
 A very wet wet Bubs after we all went swimming:
 The Dig site:
 Wyatt insisting he gets to be the button pusher in the elevator.
 Uncle John, Aunt Maggie, Nonna, and Grandaddy headed to Victoria and Alberts (the best restaurant in all of Disney) and we got to have a special night with the boys.  Since we hadn't been to Epcot yet we thought we would go and see what we could do around there.

We started out with Turtle Talk with Crush.  We have gone a number of times and Wyatt has never expressed an interest in talking to the turtle but this time he displayed the old phrase "When in Rome".   A little backstory before you play this, Crush was curious what it was that the humans ate.  So he picks on a human child and asks him what his favorite food was and the child responded "fish" and everyone roars with laughter while Crush looks at the child with his mouth agape (being an under the sea creature I don't think Crush took too kindly to finding out that kid loved fish).  Then he moved on and asked if any kids had a question for him.  OF course Wyatt raises his hand and he catches Crush's eye.  Crush asks Wyatt, "What is your question for me little dude" and Wyatt responds:
A Dory moment indeed.  It was hilarious and poor Wyatt didn't know what to say.  The boys joked about that the rest of the evening.
One of the rides Wyatt was finally tall enough to get on was Soarin.  We saw that there was a 50 minute wait and somehow we thought that it would be no problem at all to wait in the line.  Well, two kids can get into a lot more trouble than one.  The boys were chasing each other, and having a blast with each other.  Then they were swinging from the bars and a little girl saw and grabbed the chain in front of her (which happened to be magnetic) and the chain broke and she slammed to the floor-whoops but not our problem.  Then the boys would take turns licking each other on the face like Stitch did in the movie. 
Man were we happy when we reached our boarding call:

After that we were getting hungry so we all agreed to go to the boardwalk and see what we could get for dinner:

While waiting for pizza we had fun taking pictures of all sorts of things:

 And doing neat poses
 William staged this pose, look at those models:
 I thought it would be cool to go back to the Beach Club and go to the Ice cream shop there and get what they call a kitchen sink (a 16 scoop ice cream served in a kitchen sink).  William told me he ate a lot on the trip and was pretty sure he had already gained 100 pounds.  That was a good reminder because I am pretty sure I gained one hundred pounds as well.  So we walked over to the bridge and then the fireworks from Epcot started going off so we put the boys on our shoulders and watched the show.
 By the end of the night these two little guys had really tuckered each other out and I promised William that if I couldn't get him an ice cream I would give him the money for one.  Looks like I owe William some $.
More Disney Days to come!

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