A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Sports: Basketball, Soccer, & T- Ball

Each year/season we try to get Wyatt involved in a sport to take advantage of the great weather or just to get him out playing and having fun.  It's nice at Wyatt's age to try all different types of sports and see which ones he really enjoys playing.  For the Fall this year Wyatt participated in Little Big Shots which had short sessions of soccer, basketball, and T Ball.  It was a great way to see which sport Wyatt would emerge really liking the most in the end.
Wyatt has played soccer for several years now.  It was nice because this was really a beginners class but since Wyatt has played soccer a lot he got to be a shining star in the class. Here are some of his soccer highlights:

Over the summer Wyatt played basketball and loved it so he was super excited to play again in the Fall.  He has really been working on his shooting and is really great at passing.  He just needs to keep practicing that dribble and he will be a great ball handler (although with his height he may end up under the hoop on the rebound like his Momma).  Here are some of Wyatt's basketball highlights:

Wyatt attended a lot of Daddy & Uncle John's softball games in the Fall and went to see William play a couple of times over the summer so when it came time for T-Ball he was all ready to get out there and show his stuff. I will say of all the sports he played was def. the best at the T-Ball When they would yell which base to run to Wyatt was always right on it and when it came time to hit the ball Wyatt hit it so far that all the parents were super impressed and asked if he had been playing for a long time.  One Dad said, "There's your hitter right there".  What can I say we have a lot of brut strength in this family. 
Here are some of Wyatt's T-Ball Highlights:

Here is Wyatt on the very last day of getting his T-Shirt.  Let's hear it for Number 29!!!!!


So of all the sports, which do you think was his favorite?

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