A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Friday, October 29, 2010

Goddard's Halloween Celebration

Wyatt had the most special day at school today because not only was it his big Halloween Celebration but he had lots of special visitors. Mommy and Pappy, Daddy and Nonna, and Uncle John, Aunt Maggie & Cousin William all came to play with him and see him in his costume. He was such a happy little booger! One of the Mommy's brought in cupcakes and cookies and they had it all set-up so nice for the kids. They had some bug juice and Halloween goodies. But the scariest thing of all...
watching a whole group of toddlers sit and eat their snacks peacefully without restraint....SPOOOKY!

Here is our firece dinosaur/dragon saying ROARRRRRRR!!!!

Wyatt was so excited when he saw William come in to his classroom.

Even with all his friends around he just wanted to run around and play with his best friend of all, his Cousin.
Wyatt wanted to get down and run around. Poor Daddy don't get no respect.

This is Justin, he is one of Mommy's favorites and this year Justin got to participate in all the holiday fun. He made a super cute lion.

I think we all missed the parade, which happened last year too, so Wyatt and Gianna made their own parade!

All the kids gathered for Uncle Pete. He was singing a lot and the older kids really loved him. Wyatt was still a little too young I think.

So the dinosaurs went for a run around the trees.
Wyatt showing off his friend, Gianna. They are so cute and everyone at Goddard always jokes about attending Wyatt and Gianna's wedding one day.
Wyatt loved running around in the woodsy area with his buddies.
Nonna surprises Wyatt at the top of the slide...

and at the bottom, Pappy!!
Ian beat everyone down the slide and showed them all. Ian is one of Wyatt's best friends at daycare everytime I come to pick-up Wyatt he and Ian are always getting some plan together.
Wade and Wyatt getting ready to slide down the slide together.

Wade and Wyatt went down the slide together. Wade wasn't quite ready yet though and ended up going down on his tummy backwards.

Wyatt's friend Andrew loved how fast his tiger costume made him go down the slide on his tummy.

Here is Wyatt showing off his buddy, Josie, who I am pretty sure is that little girl from the Blind Melon...awesome costume choice!

What a day!!!! Wyatt was such an adoreable little dragon/dinosaur guy and loved introducing all his friends to his family. He is such a loved little man!

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