A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day in Rehoboth

Wyatt and Sugar got Mommy some really great cards for Mother's Day and Daddy & Wyatt treated Mommy to a super special day at Rehoboth Beach.  

Of course our first stop was Nicola Pizza so we could fill up on delicious Nic-a-bolis and some yummy red devil pizza!! Nicola Pizza was giving all the ladies sweet carnations:

 After eating we headed on the boards for lots of rides and games:

Wyatt sure has grown since we were in Rehoboth last:

Wyatt and Daddy on the Paratroopers ride- he was really scared at first to get on but with a little coaxing he was really brave on got on the ride.  He was glad too because he really liked it a lot!

Mommy & Wyatt on the helicopters:

Since we were on a baby ferris wheel Wyatt HAD to cool it up:

 Wyatt was a superstar at the horse racing game and beat everyone all by himself and won a special prize.  He was so proud to have won all by himself- what a big boy!

 Out on the breeze beach:

Wyatt gives Mommy a kiss on the cheek- a perfect Mother's Day treat!!!

AHHHHH too many things to hold and we all come tumbling down:

Before we all headed out we HAD to stop by an ice cream shop and get some more treats!  Wyatt got a blue icee and look at that blue tongue!

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