A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Renaissance Festival- Sir Wyatt Knight of the Realm

The Renaissance Festival is in town and what a great way to get Wyatt out and experience some live history however inaccurate it seems at times. There were lots of games to play, music to dance to, and food to eat.
We found a little juggling area where Daddy decided to show off his skills. Then the kids gave it a whirl

How do I do this again, Daddy?

After a few more games we came to a neat playground with lots of kids. Wyatt and William loved exploring the ship.

The playground had lots of slides so Wyatt was in Heaven! He kept sliding down the big twisty tube slide off of the ship.
Wyatt and William each got to try to "Drench the Wench". William was so close to hitting the mark he did a great job throwing. Wyatt threw as hard as he could and then she went down into the water, something tells me he had a little help.

We found a neat place that offered free pony rides. Wyatt loved being up on the pony.

When he could stay on the saddle. The poor guy was falling off every now and then. Maybe next year he will know where to hold.
Do you think he had fun? What a goof ball!

Mommy and Daddy got to see their favorite show, "Squire of the Wire". Wyatt kept laughing at his jokes and was so amazed by all his neat tricks. Then he said he does a circus camp for kids
so we know what we are signing Wyatt up for when he gets a little older.
Then we headed over to the Knighting Ceremony where Sir Robin Hood and Maid Marion taught the boys to bow and the girls to courtsey to the Queen. In order to be knighted the kids had to say a good deed they had done. Wyatt's good deed was sharing with his friends.
Wyatt took his knighting very seriously
And was so proud of himself or maybe he was just a little fancy on the Queen.

Then he stood and faced the crowd as they pronounced him "Sir Wyatt, A Knight of the Realm" and everyone shouted "Huzahhhh"

After such a serious ceremony it was time to cut loose. We celebrated Wyatt's knighthood by taking him on a long journey down a huge slippy slide. They went really really fast. I don't think Wyatt even knew it was happening but Daddy sure loved it!
The place was huge and everyone got pretty tuckered out by then end. The boys passed out in the car and then took naps at home while the adults rested their tired legs from all that walking. It was a nice trip back in time!

1 comment:

Beth Madden Burdette said...

Sir Wyatt is as precious as ever!