A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm A Real Walker- Walking Walking Everywhere

After his Christmas break Wyatt seemed to get really into walking. We dropped him off at daycare and by the time we picked him up Wyatt was up and walking everywhere. He really prefers walking now that he really has the hang of it. He loves walking around the living room. Of course now that he has the whole walking thing down, Wyatt has gotten really into climbing. He likes to bring his toys over by the fence in front of the TV and then try to balance on them. You can see why our heart rate has recently gone up since most of the toys he chooses to try to stand on have wheels.

1 comment:

Grandma Freeze said...

I think he wanted to go somewhere. He had his coat all ready to go out and play