A Blog About
Wyatt Diehl Murgolo

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Visit from Sarah and Julia

I just love this picture and I think it really symbolizes the night. Sarah and Julia were the best helpers with Wyatt. They would rub his head, sing him lullabys, read him stories, and play with him. They loved to jump up and down with him while he was in his bouncer. I think Wyatt loved all the attention because all day he has been looking for the girls and he seems a little bummed that they aren't here anymore.
Here is a picture of the kids and baby sug laying on the carpet and watching a movie--too cute! Julia and Auntie Beth holding baby Wyatt.

Sarah rubs Wyatt's hair. He is just like his Momma and loves it when people rub his hair.

Sarah, Julia, and Beth with Baby Wyatt.
A silly pose as we all go falling down.

Another shot of the kids watching Lilo and Stitch on the floor. It was so cute watching them all lay together like that.

Wyatt, Sarah, Julia, and I pose for a pic.

Julia rubbing Wyatt's back. The girls did such a great job soothing Wyatt when he would cry. Julia would rub his back while Sarah sang him a lullaby


Beth Madden Burdette said...

We all had so much fun! As soon as we left Julia asked when we would see Wyatt again. I told her next time we see him he'll be running around with them. We all loved spending some quality time with you guys;it was really special. I sent the easy bake to HI so Sarah will get it in a couple weeks and be reminded of the night at Auntie Graces' Place. I love the card you got her. Hanson really brings back some High School memories. I can just imagine you singing Oom Bop!

Grace said...

Yeah that was why I got the card. I was like yes ooom BOP is the best song and I was too happy to hand that down to the next generation. LOL!

I was so glad you all came and I loved seeing the girls. When you come back we have to plan to spend more time together like maybe I will take off from work for a couple days and then we could really spend a lot of time hanging out.

Beth Madden Burdette said...

We might be out in early summer. Just gotta get crackin on the House selling!